Karaali, G. (2014). Can zombies write mathematical poetry? mathematical poetry as a model for humanistic mathematics. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, 8(1-2), 38-45. https://doi.org/10.1080/17513472.2014.926685


Briefly Summary:
The article by Gizem Karaali discusses the interplay between mathematics and poetry, advocating for mathematical poetry as a means to foster a humanistic appreciation of mathematics. Karaali reflects on her personal journey with mathematical poetry, how it can be used effectively in education, and its role in challenging and expanding the conventional perception of mathematics as solely a logical or technical field. Through examples and classroom experiences, she illustrates the potential of mathematical poetry to engage emotions, creativity, and a broader understanding of mathematics as an integral part of human culture and intellectual endeavor. The concept of "humanistic mathematics" is emphasized as a way to highlight the subject's relevance to human culture, creativity, and the liberal arts, arguing for a more inclusive and exploratory approach to teaching and understanding mathematics.

STOP 1: Perhaps we can serve ourselves and our students most faithfully by posing as amateur anthropologists who strive to describe the moods, the senses, and the cultures birthed at the confluence of mathematics and humanism … Perhaps the felt need to define ‘humanistic mathematics’ is antithetical to its spirit, which cries for an expansiveness, even an infinitude of meaning, rather than the constriction and the delimitation of a definition

This passage resonates deeply with me. Looking back on my personal journey, I didn't consider myself good at mathematics while I was in school. I enjoyed writing and language arts, and before I became a mathematics teacher, I was a teacher of Chinese. A twist of fate led me to become a math teacher, and as I delved into the world of mathematics, I discovered its connections with literature. During my lesson preparations and solving math problems, I try to view mathematical formulas and different problem types as if they were living beings. In my mind, they have distinct personalities; their properties are their characteristics, and preparing my lessons is a process of getting to know them better. It's for this reason that I find mathematics not only easy to remember but also filled with joy.

STOP 2: Translation from one natural language to another of mathematical texts may be deceptively simple, but note that mathematics itself is speaking a language of its own.

I strongly agree with this statement. Mathematics, as a language, has its own uniqueness and complexity. For instance, language shapes our way of thinking, and people communicating across different languages bring their cultural attributes into the conversation, which might lead to misunderstandings. However, mathematics is a language characterized by precision, logic, and abstraction. It conveys information through symbols, formulas, and graphical elements, which together form the "vocabulary" and "grammar" of mathematics. This common understanding of mathematics allows mathematical ideas to transcend language and cultural barriers.

Question: How can mathematical poetry be used to inspire students to recognize that mathematics is not just a rigid discipline, but a field full of creativity and emotion? Or do you think there are other better ways to stimulate students' views on mathematics?


  1. I believe that as a math teacher, using mathematical poetry is an effective method to engage students and provide them with a different perspective of mathematics, one that emphasizes creativity and emotions. By integrating mathematics and poetry, students can begin to appreciate the artistic aspects of mathematical concepts while also learning how mathematics can be combined with human expression and language.

  2. When blended with mathematics, poetry offers a unique way to express thoughts and emotions, enriching the connection between both fields. This fusion evokes a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of mathematics and poetry, revealing the intricate beauty and emotional depth within mathematics and fostering a profound bond with poetry. By integrating elements of creativity, emotion, and real-world relevance into math education, we can inspire students to view math in a new and exciting light.

  3. 此评论已被作者删除。

  4. Integrating math and art is an amazing way to make students more interactive with each other and in activities. Math poetry is the best way to make them understand rhythm, syllables, and so on. They can be differently involved with math ideas more engagingly.




WEEK 6: Activity