WEEK 7: Activity

In the process of choosing to represent numbers using base-4 and visualizing them with colored rings, I have profoundly appreciated how transforming mathematical concepts into visual puzzles can significantly enhance student engagement. This transformation is not merely a creative expression; it activates the students' curiosity and desire to explore, encouraging them to delve into thinking and problem-solving.

During this activity, students are required to decode the arrangements of colors and rings to understand and master the concepts of base-4 numbers and their squares. This approach makes abstract numerical concepts tangible, rendering the learning process more intuitive and interactive, while also turning mathematics, traditionally seen as a dry subject, into something much more fun and engaging.

Moreover, presenting mathematical concepts as visual puzzles aids learners with different learning styles in comprehending mathematics. For visual learners, it allows them to see the images of mathematical concepts, which helps solidify memory. For kinesthetic learners, they can reinforce their understanding by creating their own color-coding systems.

Guiding Questions:

  • How does the base-4 number system work?
  • What is the process for squaring numbers in base-4?
  • How can visual patterns help us understand and remember the process of squaring?
  • What are the real-world applications of understanding different base systems?


The colors and the number of concentric rings represent base-4 numbers, with each ring corresponding to a different place value. From the innermost to the outermost, each ring represents an increasingly significant place value (similar to the ones, tens, hundreds, etc., in the decimal system).

The patterns are as follows:

  • Each ring represents a digit in a base-4 number, with the innermost ring being the least significant digit and the outermost ring being the most significant.
  • The colors indicate the digit present in the base-4 place value: for example, light blue might represent 0, green for 1, yellow for 2, and purple for 3 (the exact color-to-digit correspondences need to be determined according to the color legend provided at the top right of the image).
  • The number of rings in the outermost layer indicates the number of digits in the square of the given base-4 number.
  • The color legend in the top right corner of the image provides the correspondence between colors and base-4 digits.

By interpreting these patterns, students can learn how to convert base-4 numbers into their squares and understand how the value increase in different place values affects the overall value of the number. This visualization aids in making mathematical concepts tangible, allowing students to understand and memorize complex mathematical operations through visual patterns.

The Story:

  • Introduce a narrative about an alien civilization that uses base-4 for technology.
  • Present a challenge where students must learn to communicate using base-4 to help fix a spaceship.

Integrating Embodied Learning & Other Learning:

  • Visual Arts: Students draw or use colored circles to represent base-4 numbers and their squares.
  • Interactive Writing: Convert visual patterns into written base-4 numbers and then into mathematical notation.
  • Mini-Lectures: Short, targeted lectures on the significance of base systems and the concept of squaring.
  • Physical Movement: Create a physical game where students 'become' numbers and form squares in base-4 on a large grid.

Typical Math Class Activities:

  • Problem-Solving Sessions: Solve problems related to squaring base-4 numbers and converting between base systems.
  • Mathematical Notation Practice: Daily exercises in writing and interpreting base-4 squares.
  • Collaborative Learning: Group activities where students teach each other the patterns they've discovered.

Possible Extensions:

  • Technology Integration: Use computational tools to explore base-4 calculations and conversions.
  • Peer Teaching: Older or more advanced students create teaching materials for younger peers.
  • Extended Projects: Research projects on the use of different base systems in computing and ancient cultures.
  • Real-World Math Connections: Discussions on how various base systems are used in technology and data encryption.




WEEK 6: Activity