sarah-marie belcastro (2013) Adventures in Mathematical Knitting (in American Scientist)


Briefly Summary:
The article "Adventures in Mathematical Knitting" explores the author's journey in knitting complex mathematical forms, particularly the Klein bottle, illustrating how the craft serves as a tactile approach to understanding mathematical concepts. It delves into the discrete geometry of knitting, the historical context of mathematical knitting, and the pedagogical benefits of using knitted objects as flexible, physical models for mathematical education, underscoring the interplay between craftsmanship and mathematical exploration.

STOP 1 One reason is that the finished objects make good teaching aids; a knitted object is flexible and can be physically manipulated, unlike beautiful and mathematically perfect computer graphics. And the process itself offers insights: In creating an object anew, not following someone else's pattern, there is deep understanding to be gained. To craft a physical instantiation of an abstraction, one must understand the abstraction's structure well enough to decide which properties to highlight. Such decisions are a crucial part of the design process, but for the specifics to make sense, we must first consider knitting geometrically.

This passage resonates with me as it highlights the intimate connection between the creation of a tangible object and the understanding of its underlying principles. It's fascinating how knitting, a craft often associated with tradition and comfort, can also serve as an educational tool, bringing abstract mathematical concepts into the physical world where they can be touched and manipulated. This hands-on approach not only aids in teaching and learning but also enriches the creator's understanding of the mathematics involved. It’s a reminder that sometimes, stepping away from digital perfection and engaging with the material world can offer a deeper grasp of a subject, one that is both kinesthetic and intellectual. It suggests that the act of making something by hand is not just about the outcome but also about the insights gained during the process of creation.

STOP 2 The way an object is constructed, in any art or craft, highlights some of the object’s properties and obscures others. Modeling mathematical objects is no different: It requires that we make choices as to which mathematical aspects of the object are most important. 

The idea is that in any form of creation, be it art or a mathematical model, we're not just constructing an object; we're also interpreting and presenting it in a way that accentuates certain features over others. This is a thoughtful reflection on the subjective element in the act of creation—how we choose to focus on particular properties based on our objectives, interests, or limitations of the medium.

Question: How does the physical manipulation of knitted mathematical models, like the Klein bottle, enhance the comprehension of abstract mathematical theories compared to traditional visual methods such as diagrams or computer simulations?


  1. I think one of the main benefits of physically making something like the Klein bottle is that it provides the participant with a hands-on experience This experience enables them to feel the unique properties of the model directly with their hands, such as the fact that it has no outside or inside and is just one-sided, similar to the Mobius strip we created in class. A visual representation cannot replace this hands-on experience

  2. I think there are different benefits to having something like Klein bottle .In math teaching when we give direct lived experiences to students then, they get more involved with the concept. Moreover, when we give hands-on experiences to them they do not forget the subject matter. When we show some diagrams and explain the concept they are not involved in it and it becomes a dull experience for them. But when we allow them to participate in knitting, dance with math, and math poems making then, they love to learn more.

  3. Physical manipulation of knitted mathematical models, such as the Klein bottle, enriches the comprehension of abstract mathematical theories in ways traditional visual methods cannot. By engaging tactile and kinesthetic learning styles, these models offer a hands-on experience that makes complex concepts like topology and non-orientability more accessible and understandable. Handling a physical model allows learners to explore spatial relationships and properties directly, enhancing spatial reasoning and facilitating a deeper, more intuitive grasp of abstract ideas. This tactile engagement also aids in memory retention and makes mathematical concepts more engaging and inclusive for diverse learners. Moreover, the physical interaction with mathematical objects can foster a unique and personal connection to mathematical theories, motivating a deeper exploration and appreciation of mathematics as a discipline.




WEEK 6: Activity