Riley, N., Lubans, D., Holmes, K., Hansen, V., Gore, J., & Morgan, P. (2017). Movement-based mathematics: Enjoyment and engagement without compromising learning through the EASY minds program. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(6),1653. https://doi.org/10.12973/eurasia.2017.00690a


Briefly Summary:

The article presents a study on the EASY Minds program, aimed at integrating physical activity into mathematics education to address the decline in young people's interest and achievement in mathematics. By embedding movement-based learning experiences, the program sought to enhance learning and engagement in mathematics and increase physical activity levels among children. Feedback from four classroom teachers and 66 students participating in focus groups after a 6-week intervention indicated that the program was effective in improving enjoyment and engagement without compromising the quality of learning, demonstrating a significant positive impact on children's attitudes towards mathematics.


STOP 1"A longitudinal study has reported that students often view mathematics as a set of isolated procedures, failing to see real-life applications of their learning outside of the classroom."

Reflecting on my personal journey, I've realized how traditional education often feels disconnected from real life, focusing mainly on preparing for exams without showing how learning applies outside the classroom. This approach made me, and likely others, less enthusiastic about school. However, exploring the world on my own awakened a deep curiosity and enjoyment in learning, highlighting the importance of connecting academic knowledge with real-world experiences. This insight has led me to believe that education should not only be about classroom learning but also about understanding and engaging with the world around us.


STOP 2"Many students reported that their mathematics lessons predominantly involved paper and worksheet-based activities. Not being able to move around, being inside, and simply being exposed to didactic teaching methods (copying work off the board, writing answers to questions in their books, completing worksheets were perceived as dull, boring, repetitive, and uninteresting. Students reported not learning well because they would get distracted, and “drift off” . "


Reading this part made me reflect on how similar these descriptions are to classrooms in China, where the traditional approach often leads to students finding mathematics difficult and boring. As a math teacher, I recognize that my own classes have sometimes fallen into this pattern, focusing too much on explaining concepts without ensuring students' engagement. This article has inspired me to envision a different kind of math class, one where innovative methods keep students engaged and learning effectively. It's a reminder that even the best explanations can be futile if students aren't paying attention, and it has motivated me to explore new strategies to enrich my teaching and make mathematics more engaging for my students.

When you notice diminished engagement and participation in your classroom, what innovative, movement-based methods might you consider to reinvigorate your students' enthusiasm and active involvement in learning?



  1. We can integrate art-based activities to enhance student's interests and to ensure their engagement in activities. This includes different forms of activities like dancing, music, physical activities, hands-on activities, games and puzzles. Furthermore, we have to change the traditional classroom setting and make them find math concepts outside around the world. When they connect to nature and find math in nature they instil curiosity and participation in learning.

  2. Incorporating movement-based methods in the classroom can be an innovative way to reinvigorate student engagement and participation. Teachers can use a variety of methods, such as incorporating dance and movement into lesson plans, utilizing games that require physical activity, implementing movement breaks, using manipulatives, and incorporating movement into assessments. These methods can help students stay engaged, active, and enthusiastic about learning, while also providing opportunities for hands-on exploration and deeper understanding of concepts.

  3. It depends on the lesson I am teaching. For instance, while introducing a new topic, I often have students stand up and share something they have learned with each other. Additionally, I have some interactive games such as Pictionary or Four Corners that encourage students to move and learn simultaneously. For in-class assignments, sometimes I ask students to solve problems on the whiteboard to bring a change in the pace of the class.




WEEK 6: Activity